It is easy to follow and gives amazing results in only 2 weeks. You don’t need to prepare anything special just include more fresh ingredients that you can easily obtain.
Berries are loaded with fiber and rich in water making them a perfect choice for all those who want to slim down, burn belly fat and lose weight. They enhance digestion, improve metabolism and boost the natural fat burning process. They keep you full and satisfy your hunger, curb food cravings especially sugar cravings. They are also great source of powerful antioxidants and enzymes which are included in the complex metabolism of fats dissolving the fat deposits in the stomach area.
If you are ready to begin this fight-belly-fat journey, then consider berries as your newest secret weapon in winning the battle over excess body fat in a completely natural way.
The diet lasts for about 2-3 weeks depending on how much you want to melt fat from your body. It consists of 5 phases during the day: pre-breakfast, breakfast, snack, lunch and dinner.
1.You start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with a lemon squeezed in it.
2.For breakfast you consume only fruits or vegetables in a form smoothie. Whatever you choose its main ingredient has to be berries of your own choice. You make your own berry smoothie including whatever you want but you should exclude nuts and seeds during the morning hours.
3.The snack time should be at least 3 hours before taking a lunch. You can grab a fresh fruits or vegetables, or a moderate amount of nuts and seeds.
4.For lunch you are free to choose anything of your own but make sure you include salad( cucumber, tomato, lettuce etc.).
5.During dinner time you consume only berries according to your desire. Berries should be the last meal during the day. You start the first meal with berries, and you finish the day with them.
Is important to keep your body hydrated so take at least 8 glasses of water daily. The berries diet is really simply to follow, and there aren’t many restrictions or any special and complicated recipes to prepare. Completely eliminate bread during the diet as well as processed foods in order to facilitate the process of detoxification of the body.
Suggested Menu
1.Pre-Breakfast: Every day starts with a glass of warm water with 1 lemon juice, that should be consumed at least 30 minutes before breakfast.
2.Breakfast:Berry smoothie
- 1/2 cup blueberries
- a handful of spinach
- 1 banana
- 1/3 cup water
3.Snack: an apple, a handful of nuts or seeds or vegetables such as carrots ( no more than 2). If you decide to eat an apple, then take carrots the next day.
Note: Once or twice in the week you can take some homemade oatmeal cookies for snack but please be careful not to eat too many.
4.Lunch: Baked potatoes, boiled eggs or fish and salad seasoned with apple cider vinegar, olive oil and a little bit salt.
Note: Don’t take both potatoes and fish at once, consider them as 2 different meal suggestions.
5.Dinner: a cup of berries of your choice ( strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries etc.
Practice similar menu for the next 2 weeks and watch belly fat disappear effectively and easily.
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