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Monday, November 28, 2016

Squeeze 1 Lemon (or Lime) With 1 Spoonful of Olive Oil and You Will Never Stop Using It

If you were looking for a natural way to beat unexplained fatigue and lack of energy, look no further!  This article focuses on lemon juice and olive oil, two potent ingredients which work wonders for cleansing the body of toxins and accumulated waste.


By facilitating the removal of toxic matter from the system, you will revitalize your body and get an energy boost that lasts during the entire day.

This time-tested remedy has been long used to treat a wide plethora of health issues.  Before we get to the point, let`s go over its ingredients first.

Olive oil, which is obtained from pressing whole olives, l is key ingredient in Mediterranean diet.  It is packed with essential fatty acids which are known to facilitate toxic removal and keep bad cholesterol in check. Both Greeks and Romans appreciated olive oil, referring to it as liquid gold.

On the other hand, lemons are one of the healthiest fruits available and are known for their robust nutritional profile. They are abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which makes them a powerful tool against various issues.

When combined, these two ingredients provide a wide plethora of health benefits.  Among them are:


This combination provides powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which are extremely beneficial in case of rheumatism.  Regular consumption of this remedy relieves effectively relieves joint pain.


This remedy prevents and treats heart-related issues due to its high fatty acids content, which keep bad cholesterol in check and improve circulation.


According to many experts,  consuming this mixture every morning on an empty stomach prevents the formation of gallstones.  Consuming it along with a glass of water before breakfast detoxifies the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder, which in turn improves their function.


Olive oil has laxative effect, which is the reason why many people have found in effective in relieving constipation.  When combined with lemon juice,  it detoxifies the body, eliminates waste, and improves digestion.

This Is the Alkaline Diet Every Cancer Patient Needs to Know (Immediately!)

Living a healthy life heavily depends on nutrition. In fact, proper diet is the key to living healthy.


When a person is diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, they must make some dietary changes as soon as possible.

Mounting evidence shows that there is a strong link between the consumption of highly processed foods and the development of conditions like arthritis and diabetes. The same applies for cancer patients as well!


As the name itself suggests, an alkaline diet emphasized the intake of alkaline foods while reducing the intake of acidic food.

According to some people, the best would be to cut out acidic foods completely. The concept behind this suggests that since cancer cells die in an alkaline environment, the consumption of alkaline food will make it impossible for them to thrive.

Most acidic foods cause inflammation, which is regarded as one of the major causes of cancer.


An inflammatory response starts out when the damaged tissue releases chemicals. In this response, the white blood cells produce substances which divide the cells and cause them to grow in order to rebuild tissue and repair the injury. The inflammatory process ends once the wound is healed. Note that this applies to inflammatory processes in a healthy individual.

When it comes to chronic inflammation, the inflammatory process begins even when there is no injury whatsoever and it doesn’t end when it is supposed to end. It may be caused by abnormal reactions to normal tissues, infections, and conditions like obesity. Chronic inflammation may lead to DNA damage and cancer over time.


The modern western diet is mainly based on acidic foods. Below you have a list of 7 steps which will help you make simplify this process:

1. Eat Your Greens

An acidic diet makes pH more acidic, a condition which is called latent acidosis. This condition creates the perfect conditions for cancer to thrive. Therefore, an alkaline diet can re-balance the pH and prevent the disease from spreading.

You should consume more cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, cabbage, and broccoli. Some of them should be eaten raw, so make sure you do a little research about the best ways to consume them. Even though fruits are abundant in vitamins and minerals, you should eat 2-3 pieces daily to maintain your acid level low.

2. Swap Your Protein

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) form when meat like fish, beef, muscle or pork, is cooked on high temperature.

It has been scientifically shown that HCAs and PAHs are mutagenic, meaning that they cause DNA damage and increase the risk of cancer.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), deli meats increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

With this being said, you should reduce your meat intake and always opt for organic and appropriately fed meat. To supplement your protein intake, consume more nuts, seeds, peas, lentils, and beans.

3. Cut Out Sugar

Cancer cells utilize more glucose than other cells and sugar supports the cancer progression by creating acid.

Moreover, high sugar intake puts additional stress on the pancreas by causing it to produce insulin. This leads to insulin resistance, which has been associated with cancer proliferation. It is also worth mentioning that high fructose corn syrup contains mercury, which is carcinogenic.

Cancer patients should cut out white sugar and high fructose corn syrup as well as ‘natural’ sugars like agave or honey. This prevents deficiency in magnesium since this mineral is often drained in the process of metabolizing excess sugar.

4. Eliminate Gluten

Wheat, rye, spelt, and other glutinous grains cause inflammation. Wheat is also packed with pesticides, which are pro-inflammatory as well.

If you want to adopt an alkaline and cancer-suppression diet, stay away from baked goods like cakes, cookies, muffins, bread, cereals, pasta, crackers, etc.

Although processed gluten-free foods are convenient, they are loaded with added sugars and unhealthy oils which destroy their health benefits.

The best would be to replace these greens with organic rice, millet, amaranth, quinoa, teff, and buckwheat.

5. Stop Eating Dairy

According to Prof. T. Colin Campbell, PhD., Cornell University, cow dairy is one of the major cancer-causing foods.

Casein, a protein which is often found in powdered milk added to cheese and yogurt, feeds cancer, causes inflammation, and leads to bone deterioration. Stop eating cow dairy and replace it with coconut or almond milk.

6. Switch to Heart-Healthy Oils

Eliminate processed corn, soy, safflower, sunflower oils, margarine, and hydrogenated oil.

Fat is critical for neurons to communicate with each other, which act as a transition between the electrical impulse and the nervous system. This communication is of utmost importance for daily survival.

Hydrogenated fats are not able to perform this task. Instead, they inhibit cell`s ability to function when absorbed. These cells act as broken sections and compromise the transition, creating dead spots in the body. Consequently, important messages are not received or are received later.

This increases the risk of cancer, a condition in which the cells don’t respond to these messages and proliferate purposelessly, affecting other cells.

Opt for oils which are organic and cold-pressed, such as olive oil, avocado oil, and coconut oil, all of which are anti-inflammatory and help transmit messages within the nervous system.

This contributes to the development of cancer, a condition in which cells that no longer respond to intracellular messaging and proliferate without purpose, impacting other cells.

7. Change Your Drinking Habits

You should avoid soda and beer at any cost and opt for water instead. You should also avoid store-bought juices as they are packed with sugar, preservatives, and food coloring.

If drinking water makes you feel like you miss out something, try making your own herbal tea, green tea, or vegetable juice. Moreover, limit your coffee intake or replace it with detox shots.

30 Alkaline Foods to Balance Your Body Naturally to Fight Cancer, Heart Disease and More

Keep your body in an alkaline state; then you will have fewer chances to suffer from chronic diseases. And it’s well known that you’re what you eat, that’s true, if you want to maintain your body in the alkaline state, you have to know which foods can help you.


The foods you eat have a direct impact on the PH levels in your body, some foods are more alkaline than others, which help your body maintain in an alkaline state, thus promoting energy, aiding in digestion, preventing diseases and also giving you clearer skin.

Additionally, an alkaline state body also essential for:

  • Preventing the common cold
  • Lowering the risk of cancer
  • Maintaining a healthy weight

Keep a balanced diet, you should eat a diet of 60-80% alkaline-forming foods and 20-40% acid-forming foods. Below is a list of alkaline foods that will help you maintain proper body functions and fight against many diseases.

What are Alkaline Foods?

An alkaline diet emphasizes alkaline foods such as whole fruits and vegetables and certain whole grains, which are low in caloric density. Healthy Alkaline Diet Foods involve the ideal balance between acidifying and alkalizing foods.

The body includes a number of organ systems that are adept at neutralizing and eliminating excess acid, but there is a limit to how much acid even a healthy body can cope with effectively. The body is capable of maintaining an acid-alkaline balance provided that the organs are functioning properly, that a well-balanced alkaline diet is being consumed, and that other acid-producing factors, such as tobacco use, are avoided.

How many Americans today follow a healthy diet and regularly engage in other health-promoting activities?

The standard American diet is highly acid-forming, overwhelming the body’s mechanisms for removing excess acid. The staples of the American diet are meat, dairy, corn, wheat, and refined sugars (all acidifying foods). At the same time, the diet is notably deficient in alkalizing fruits and vegetables.

The alkaline diet greatly reduces this acid load, helping to reduce the strain on the body’s acid-detoxification systems, such as the kidneys.

Here is a list of Alkaline Foods, especially High Alkaline Foods:

  • Examples of Alkalining Vegetables: Beets, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Kale, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Spinach
  • Examples of Alkalizing Fruits: Apple, Banana, Berries, Cantaloupe, Grapes, Melon, Lemon, Orange, Peach, Pear, Watermelon
  • Alkalizing Protein: Almonds, Chestnuts, Tofu
  • Alkalizing Spices: Cinnamon, Curry, Ginger, Mustard, Sea Salt

Benefits of the top 6 alkaline foods


Acidic to the taste, but maybe it’s the most alkalizing food of all. It helps to balance the body’s pH and also provides many other healing benefits:

  • Fights against colds and flu due to the high amount of vitamin C
  • A glass of lemon water is a good liver detoxifier
  • Drink lemon juice helps dissolve gallstones and kidney stones
  • Lemon destroys intestinal worms
  • Prevents many diseases thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties
  • Has great anti-cancer properties

Coconut oil

Coconut is also a superfood that benefits to your body in many ways. Coconut oil is the only cooking oil that isn’t acidic, it’s alkaline. It contains fatty acid that has great medicinal properties and the healthy saturated fats helps improve blood cholesterol levels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.


As an alkaline tasty tropical fruit, pineapple is loaded with several vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health. It’s often been used as a natural remedy for treating cough, colds, toothache, arthritis and digestive disorders.


Carrot is a good source of vitamin A and provides many impressive health benefits, such as anti-cancer, anti-aging and also prevents heart attacks. Carrot is also good for your vision as beta-carotene has almost 40% lower risk of macular degeneration.


Beets are alkaline-forming foods, which help both your physical and mental health in many ways, from cleansing the body, providing energy to treating depression.


As a good source of calcium, iron, manganese and fiber, cinnamon has long been used in cooking and baking, it’s also widely used as a natural remedy to cure health problems. It helps lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, treat yeast infection, prevent cancer, relieve arthritis and boost brain function.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Best Fat Burning Diet That Works 100 % !

Get rid of bloating with this super effective diet in just 24 hours and flatten your stomach in the most efficient natural way without any harmful effects.


In fact, this diet will not drastically cut pounds off your weight, but it will efficiently relieve bloating in people who often experience this kind of stomach discomfort, especially in those with normal weight but gassy stomach.

Start your day by drinking a glass of lemon water mixed with chopped parsley.

Here is the menu for the rest of the day:


  • Oatmeal and 1 cup of berries, or
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs and 1 cup of berries.

Snack 1

  • A cup of nuts and 1 orange, or
  • Celery stalks and 2 tsp peanut butter.


  • 1 bowl of mixed salad made of green salad, 1 cucumber, 2 tomatoes, 2 grated carrots, 1 avocado, a hard-boiled egg, 1 tsp of mixed nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seed, olive oil and lemon.

Snack 2

  • 200gr of Greek yoghurt with a little cinnamon, or
  • A cup of chopped fresh cucumber (unpeeled) with 2 tbsp. of sour cream.


  • Grilled salmon, creamed spinach with olive oil, garlic and roasted vegetables

You can stick to this diet plan for 3 days in a row.

How I Lost 22 Pounds With This Weird Lemon Diet in Just 2 Weeks!

If you want to lose weight in a short period of time, this odd, but exceptionally effective lemon diet is what you’ve been looking for. Hence, the diet includes drinking a mixture of water and lemon juice daily on an empty stomach.


This diet is highly beneficial; it cleanses the whole organism and it helps you lose weight. Below, you have the instructions that you need to follow for 2 weeks. After these 2 weeks, you will look better than ever before. Let’s take a look:

First day

1 cup of water mixed with juice of 1 lemon

Second day

2 cups of water mixed with juice of 2 lemons

Third day

3 cups of water mixed with juice of 3 lemons

Fourth day

4 cups of water mixed with juice of 4 lemons

Fifth day

5 cups of water mixed with juice of 5 lemons

Sixth day

6 cups of water mixed with juice of 6 lemons

Seventh day

10 cups of water mixed with juice of 3 lemons

Eighth day

6 cups of water mixed with juice of 6 lemons

Ninth day

5 cups of water mixed with juice of 5 lemons

Tenth day

4 cups of water mixed with juice of 4 lemons

Eleventh day

3 cups of water mixed with juice of 3 lemons

Twelfth day

2 cups of water mixed with juice of 2 lemons

Thirteenth day

1 cup of water mixed with juice of 1 lemon

Fourteenth day

10 cups of water mixed with juice of 3 lemons

  • The mixture needs to be consumed at once. If you cannot drink it at once, you can leave the rest of the mixture for later. Make sure you drink it an hour before your next meal.
  • This diet is highly recommendable for people who have gastrointestinal problems.

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